Like Sheep Led to Slaughter

by walterm on April 26, 2010

Today, I posted the following on my Facebook page regarding Obama’s latest misguided and racially polarizing attempt to get his constituents pumped up for the November midterm elections:

So Obama wants young people, women, and minorities to help Democrats to win in November. What about everyone else? Clearly, this man is not for all of the people, but only the ones he think thinks like him. Obama, this minority isn’t fooled by you, and I hope others will see you are nothing but a divider instead of a uniter using racial politics as a cover.

A good African-America (I hate that term) friend of mine replied as follows:

So unfair Walter! Won’t you even consider giving him the benefit of the doubt? He has the hardest job in the world. We should pray for him instead of tearing him down.

Another African-American friend posted the following:

I am not sure the Tea Bag party,who you support, is a uniter. Please give me some examples of politicians who are uniters. The only thing I see from both sides are people who divide among party lines.

And the following is my response:

I do pray for Obama. I pray that he will stop doing so many detrimental things to this country. I pray that he will respect and uphold the Constitution. You have read my blog on progressivism, and if you don’t know that he has adopted a secular humanist worldview based on progressivism, then you really don’t know who Obama is, just who you would like him to be. The bottom line is he is not who you think he is, and you are aligning yourself with someone who doesn’t even hold the same Christian values as you do. So why do you continue to defend the indefensible? I know you aren’t happy that he is the most pro-abortion president in history.

I have been going to Tea Party rallies for the past year and spoke at two on April 15. You can see me on TV on ABC7. The Tea Party rallies are about uniting around rights as given by God, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and free markets. As a fellow Talbot student, The Tea Party folks are far closer to the doctrinal statement that both you and I signed than virtually any Democrat. The bottom line is Democrats will never have the same worldview as people who lean Republican because Democrats lean towards secular humanism and relativism while Republicans lean towards a transcendent God who is the creator of objective moral values, duties, and accountability. That is NOT on the agenda of the Democratic Party, and that is why there will always be this divide. As a Christian, I want Democrats to move towards Christ and away from secular humanism. Don’t you?

As I have asked over and over, how can any black Christian reconcile their views with the Democratic Party when the very views of the Democratic party are antithetical to the Christian worldview? Government-created dependence is NOT the same as Christian charity.

And now we come to the reason I titled this post “Like Sheep Led to Slaughter.” What amazes me is that the vast majority of blacks have tacitly accepted a socialist-leaning president because he is black. This was not the dream of Martin Luther King, who briefly flirted with socialism but found it an unappealing and enslaving. What he instead fought for was equality as promised by the Constitution, with no special treatment and no handouts. What is even more interesting is that most blacks are Christians and should know that the federal government simply cannot deliver on social change through wealth redistribution or other socialist tactics designed to foster ever increasing reliance on government. That is precisely why 70% of black children today are born out of wedlock, which can be directly traced back to President Johnson’s “war on poverty” in the 1960s that was not designed to provide equal opportunity, but to generate a permanent dependency class that would provide cheap votes.

Now my friends quoted above are highly educated and very successful in their fields of endeavor, and have overcome great obstacles. But unfortunately, too many blacks don’t achieve the American dream. I don’t see why this is still such an issue today, as black  communities have every opportunity today to rise out of poverty by simply getting back to the basics of nuclear families, personal responsibility, education, and living in community as we once did. This impetus used to come from the church during the days of segregation and Jim Crow, because God and family were the only things we had. Now we have so much more opportunity, but there is a breakdown in the family, and church is some place to go on Sunday without making a real impact in our lives the remainder of the week.

If blacks are to rise up, then we must reject socialism and secular humanism even if someone black is peddling these bankrupt notions cloaked in the guise of social justice. Instead, we must rally around our faith and the church that sustained us through the darkest days of American history. It is up to us, as the government will never be able to do for us what we should do for ourselves. The government’s job is to secure our freedoms, which it has done. If blacks continue to embrace socialistic views in the “age of Obama,” we shall be like “sheep led to slaughter” when we see the ultimate result, which will be the loss of freedom and liberty to a ruling aristocratic class. And just guess which class Obama will be in (Hint: It won’t be in the same class as me and you). When this is achieved, we will have moved in two generations from involuntary oppression, to freedom, and back to involuntary oppression that this time we have knowingly brought on ourselves.



Ron May 3, 2010 at 2:03 pm

Once again, I’m reminded of how amazing a man you are! This needs to go to Regular Folks United and Would you post to RFU so I can cross-post to Thanks!

Min. Michael Patterson April 29, 2010 at 9:37 pm

Once again Walter, you have shown what is need today in America and that is sound discernment that is not mixed with emoitnal ramblings But are rooted and ground in truth.

Jim Passmore April 29, 2010 at 5:56 am

Well said! It’s great to hear some clear, lucid, common sense discussion on the topic.

Look forward to browsing your archives.

Rebecca Bennett April 28, 2010 at 10:55 am

Walter, keep up writing the truth and educating, you are appreciated.

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